Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Plodding Along

Well, 14 down, 6 more to go.    I’m most of the way through my radiation treatment, and it has been largely uneventful.  I’m very thankful.  The radiology office continues to be so prompt and courteous that, while I may enter with some trepidation, I always leave with a positive spring in my step.  And my check-up with the oncologist was similarly brief and encouraging.   The photos are of the nursing staff on Halloween afternoon.

They say that, if I am to feel any effects from the radiation, it will be from the cumulative impact; so it is likely that in the last week and the weeks following treatment that I may feel some queasiness or fatigue.   I already have made a point to add a rest period to my days, and I think I am now just starting to feel the “phasers-on-stun” effect of the treatment.   My appetite is still good, and I have had no skin irritation at all.  In the afternoons I am just feeling a little tired.

Of course, the whole issue of the “activity” in my lower intestine is the quiet elephant in the room.   It may be that follow-up tests show it to be nothing.   It may be that those tests trigger more involved treatment – or I may still need that double-balloon endoscopy.  We won't know for several weeks.  I think I’m going to get on the waiting list for that procedure just in case.

And it wouldn’t be medical journey without at least a little drama; so here is the latest installment:  At the beginning of this whole episode we decided that I should get a second opinion – just to be safe.  Since my doctor is already an eminent specialist, we thought it only makes sense to get a second opinion from another “MDeity.”   That search led us locally to the head doctor at the City of Hope cancer center in Duarte.  

It took a while to get files from all the various doctors and labs sent to City of Hope.  One lab said they had to prepare new pathology slides and that it would take a few days.   It took them only two days – except they never called me to say the slides were ready.   So that delayed things another week.   To expedite the paperwork, I drove over to the lab and hand-carried the slides out to Duarte.

Meanwhile, City of Hope told me that I simply couldn’t see the doctor I wanted.  Luckily, both my oncologist and my radiologist know the doc at City of Hope.   My oncologist thought it would be a good idea for me to see him, and he called and spoke to the guy personally on my behalf.   I was told to await a scheduling call.   After some phone tag, however, I was notified that this guy still wouldn’t see me – and that the specialist he referred me to is on vacation for a month.   And now my oncologist was out of town on a convention.  So . . . do I try to chase down this doctor who twice has refused to see me?  Do I settle for a second opinion from a competent but un- “deified” specialist?  My oncologist’s office says they are going to chase down the reason for the refusal and find me a solution.

So I continue (mostly) with my diet, save for a detour to a fabulous steakhouse and falling off the wagon at a kids’ birthday party where I stuffed myself with bagels & pizza.  I’m definitely going to need some new pants at a svelter size. 

(Me with Hannah Mathilda (3) and Emmett (5) in the background)

The intuitive healer suggested I get checked for parasites and microbes, but that all turned out negative.  I’m buoyed by so many peoples prayers, meals, good wishes, and other healing efforts.   I appreciate it all.  Tonight I’m off to another wonderful healing ceremony which I hope will keep the good momentum going.

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